In EasyMorph it's not possible to reference other tables in expressions. Instead, you can bring in a value from another table and append it as a new column with the help of the Peek action. Further, this new column can be used in expressions (explained later in the tutorial). The Peek action is the most basic data merging action in EasyMorph.

The Lookup action is a close equivalent of VLOOKUP function in Excel. It allows looking up and returning values from another table. Unlike Excel's VLOOKUP, besides adding a new column, the action can also replace an existing column.

Finally, the Merge another table action can be used in more complex cases. It merges (joins) one or more columns from another table, based on whether one or more key fields in the current table match respective key fields in the other table. The action can operate in three modes:
- Lookup mode — use the first row with matching combination in the secondary table, and ignore others. No new rows are created in the primary table. This mode is essentially a multi-column VLOOKUP (if Excel had one).
- Left join mode — use all rows with matching combination in the secondary table; it will create new rows in the primary table. This mode is equivalent to the left join in SQL.
- Full join mode — this mode is equivalent to the full outer join in SQL.
The example below merges a full state name from another table by linking the columns with two-letter state codes.

The video below demonstrates how to merge two spreadsheets by using the "Merge" action in EasyMorph, and export the result into another spreadsheet:
See also our web-help for the full list of actions.