Download EasyMorph Desktop

Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you have a Mac version?
EasyMorph comes only in a 64-bit version and only for Windows.
Does the free version expire?
It never expires. EasyMorph works in the time-unlimited free edition mode unless a valid license key is applied. Compare editions.
Can the free edition be used in a commercial organization?
Yes, you can use the free edition in a commercial organization.

Learn EasyMorph on your own

The best way to get started with EasyMorph on your own is to scan through the tutorial and explore the examples that come pre-installed with EasyMorph (you can find them on the Start page of the application).

The Community forum is the best place to ask questions "how to do this or that in EasyMorph". The forum also has tons of questions already answered with ready-to-use examples.

Short-term release roadmap

This is what keeps us busy for the next few months. The short-term roadmap should not be perceived as our obligation or commitment. We reserve the right to change it at any moment without notice.

Version What When
6.0 Migration to .NET 6. Unification of tables and charts.
5.9 New parameter types: File upload. Triggers for EasyMorph Server tasks. File uploads for Web Tasks and Server Tasks.
5.8.2 Users in issues. Desktop: new "Send/save to..." dialog. Server: task cloning, asset view page.

Release history

Version Change log Release notes
5.8.1 New connector: Microsoft Dataverse (experimental). New actions: Verify another table, Call with another table, Import from Microsoft Dataverse. New functions: commonsubstring(), isurl(), countwords(). Multi-line mode in the text parameter. Desktop: Merge profiler. Server: Task groups, connector-based locations in File Manager, vault master key. New Server/Gateway feature: Web Tasks. Download PDF
5.8 Work automation: Issues in Explorer boards. New connector: Zendesk. New actions: Raise issue, Import from Power BI, Import from Zendesk, Zendesk Command. New commands: uploading/downloading folders (recursively). New asset type: Power BI dashboard. Desktop: New Start screen. Server: users, user groups, and user roles. Download PDF
5.7.3 Server UI: Dataset/asset hyperlinking in Explorer. Downloading only filtered rows. New asset type: Tableau workbook view. New actions: Export to Apache Parquet, Sliding aggregation. New Tableau Server command: Download workbook view as PDF. Download PDF
5.7.2 New connector: Slack, ntfy, Teradata. New SQL dialect: Teradata. New actions: Slack Bot, Send message to ntfy, Anonymize. Inner join mode in the Merge action. Import of Qlik QVD metadata. Functions to work with delimited lists in cells (sets) - union, diff, intersection, count, containsall, containsany, sort. Desktop: viewing computed results of .morph files in Explorer. Server UI: filters and charts in Analysis View. Download PDF
5.7.1 Security improvements. Whitelist of invalid SSL certificates. Cumulative bugfixes. Download PDF
5.7 Explorer - a new data exploration tool that supersedes Catalog, available in Desktop and Server. The Catalog becomes part of Explorer. Boards in Explorer. Board section types: Metrics, Table, Charts, Asset shortcuts, Text. New connectors: Jira, Microsoft Teams. New actions: Email Command, Import from Jira, Jira Command, Import from Apache Parquet, Microsoft Teams Bot. Desktop: viewing .dset files in Explorer. Server: view static and computed datasets in Analysis View, Shared Memory commands in ems-cmd. Download PDF
5.6.2 Cumulative bugfixes. Download PDF
CSViewer 2.1 Up to 3x faster loading of CSV files. Auto-detection of the text separator. Cell bar. Quick column profiling. Heatmaps in cross-tables.
5.6.1 Dataset Editor in the "Import dataset" and "Sandbox" actions. Append mode in the "Export dataset" action. Connector and action for ChatGPT. New EasyMorph Server command: Find files recursively. New functions: istextdate() and detectformat(). Heatmaps in cross-tables. Editing statiс datasets in the Catalog. Editing local and Server-hosted .dset files in the File Manager. Cell bar in Workflow Editor. New Server UI. Download PDF
5.6 New Catalog item: Metric (KPI). New connector: Dropbox. New actions: Azure Blob Storage Command, Dropbox Command, Compare tables, Natural Merge. New Catalog commands: Get metric, Set metric. New File commands: Zip list of files, Zip folder. New EasyMorph Server command: Create folder. At least twice faster CSV import. Auto-save in EasyMorph Desktop. File Manager: zipping local files and folders, unzipping files, copying local files, copying local folders. Download PDF
5.5 Desktop: File browser. New Catalog items: Remote file, Remote folder. New action: "To-do". Tableau Hyper is now supported by default (support for TDE moved to an add-on). Download PDF
5.4.3 The Basic edition of EasyMorph Server. New option in the "Add data" menu: Retrieve Catalog item. Buttons "Publish to Catalog" and "Open from Catalog" in the Workflow Editor. Download PDF
5.4.2 New connector: Google Search Console. New actions: "Roll up", "Import from Google Search Console". Amazon S3 commands: Create/Delete folder. OneDrive commands: Create/Rename/Delete folder. SharePoint commands: Create/Rename/Delete folder. Command "List sheets" in "Import from Google Sheets". Download PDF
CSViewer v2.0 Charts and cross-tables. Support for .dset files. Start screen. Load progress indication.