More ways to run a project

EasyMorph can run actions in several ways:

  • Run all not calculated actions automatically (default mode)
  • Run all not calculated actions manually
  • Discard all results, reload all source data, and run all actions
  • Run all not calculated actions manually, up to a specified action

Auto-run mode

Auto-run mode controls whether EasyMorph runs actions automatically or manually. When Auto-run is on (default mode), EasyMorph attempts to automatically calculate all not calculated actions when the project is modified. In this mode actions are calculated in the background, without blocking the user interface. Tables and charts are updated as soon as they are calculated. If the project was modified while background calculation was running, the calculation silently restarts.

Note that export actions are not calculated automatically. They are considered so-called side-effect actions because they alter, or can alter, data outside EasyMorph. Such actions should be run manually, even when Auto-run is on. Examples of other side-effect actions include "Run Program", "Database command", "Web Request", "File command".

You can switch Auto-run on and off from the Main toolbar. To stop running background calculation, switch Auto-run off. If you switch Auto-run on, this will trigger background calculation again.

Running actions manually

When Auto-run is off or when some actions are not calculated (e.g. export actions) you can calculate them by pressing the "Run project" button, or F5.

Hint: For convenience, switch off Auto-run in projects with heavy calculations, and run them manually.

Re-calculating a project entirely

If you need to re-run all actions in a project (e.g. because source files have changed) go to the menu "Project" and press the "Reload and run" button, or Ctrl+F5.

Running up to an action

Sometimes you might want to control precisely which transformations are run. In this case, you can instruct EasyMorph to run only up to a particular action (Auto-run must be off). To start calculation right-click the action and choose "Calculate" from the menu, or simply Ctrl+click the action.

Dealing with errors

If errors occur during running actions in Auto-run mode, the error counter will appear in the status bar. Clicking the counter opens the list of errors. Double-clicking an error message in the list will bring you to the action where the error occurred.

Advanced topics

Discarding action results

To preserve consistency of calculations EasyMorph intelligently discards action results when one of the following happens:

  • Properties of an action have been modified
  • An action was inserted, moved or removed
  • A parameter has changed

Only the results of actions that are affected by the change are discarded, the rest remain intact. For instance, when an expression in an action is modified, the results of this action, and all actions that follow (depend on) it, are discarded. Results of preceding and independent actions are not discarded.

When a parameter changes, the results of actions using the changed parameter, parameters calculated using the changed parameter, and actions dependent on actions affected by the parameter change, are discarded.

To discard a result of action manually (e.g. if you want to reload a source file), right-click the action and choose "Discard result" from the menu. If Auto-run is on, EasyMorph will automatically re-calculate the action and all actions that depend on it.

Automatic recalculation of actions after making changes is especially useful for data analysis, because you can add, delete, and modify actions on the fly, and EasyMorph will instantly update charts and tables.

After errors are corrected, EasyMorph continues running actions from where it stopped.